Saturday, October 8, 2011

Present:Hope Tour- The Story Continues

Going to Catalyst Conference with the team was a great experience. It was really surreal to ride out on our bikes in front of 13,000+ people. It was the moment we had all been waiting for, we had sweat it out on that trip so that we could stand there, in front of those people and tell the story. [] It was really great to see Aaron Brown on the stage talking about his city. There was so much wrapped up in that moment it was overwhelming.

We wrapped up Catalyst and started the good-byes. It's hard to explain the emotion in leaving such an amazing experience and group of people. It's bittersweet because you're exhausted and miss your family and can't wait to see them and sleep in your own bed. But at the same time, you know you can never go back to this, it'll never be the same. You'll never be the same. They say in Venture- "Find what wrecks you and feed it." Once you've found it, you never want to go back to being un-wrecked. I honestly just feel really honored to be part of this story.
As we were flying out this morning, Aaron and Paul were on The Weather Channel. Check out their segment here.
And on Monday, Aaron and Pastor Aaron Brown will be on CNN. It's amazing to see how the story continues. Our goal was to raise $100,000 for Convoy of Hope and so far we've raised over $60,ooo.
If you'd like to contribute, you can go to

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